Your Trusted Partner in Real Estate. Contact us at 604-202-7205 for all your property needs.

I absolutely love Burnaby and have lived in Burnaby for over 18 years now
and I think it’s a great place to live and raise a family. One of the many
things I love about Burnaby is how central it is and how easy it is to get
around. It’s proximity to Vancouver, the mountains and the ocean makes
Burnaby a remarkably attractive place to call home.
Some interesting facts about Burnaby that you may not have known.
Burnaby is east of Vancouver and it is the third largest city in British
Columbia by population, with Vancouver being the largest followed by
Surrey. It has one of the highest ratios of park land to residents in North
America, and maintains some agricultural land, particularly in the Big Bend
neighbourhood along its southern perimeter. The city was incorporated in
1892 and became a city in 1992, exactly 100 years after incorporation.
Another fun fact that you may not have known is, Burnaby’s official flower
is the rhododendron.
One of the main shopping attractions in Burnaby is Metropolis at
Metrotown which is the second largest mall in Canada. It offers over 450
shops, a giant food court, as well as Superstore and T & T Supermarket for
groceries, and don’t forget the Cineplex Cinemas Metropolis to catch that
great movie you have been waiting to see. I recommend that you wear
good shoes and be prepared to walk a lot, as it’s a great way to get your
steps in while being productive.
Burnaby Real Estate is very diverse. You will find condo’s, townhouses,
duplexes, detached houses, commercial properties, agricultural land and
leasehold land which is mainly surrounding Simon Fraser University. There
are many stunning views offered from many areas of Burnaby, namely
Capital Hill, Metrotown, and Brentwood . The Burnaby skyline has
expanded in the last few years, as more and more high-rise towers are
being built and in turn, many more amenities are being built to
accommodate. The Real Estate Market in Burnaby is constantly changing
and Burnaby remains a beautiful city with lots of great parks and beautiful
lakes to enjoy.
Your Trusted Partner in Real Estate. Contact us at 604-202-7205 for all your property needs.